Miscellaneous topic

We have just dropped inside the 2 months to go mark and a number of the the Tour Members are starting to find form. Pro’s Day at Brampton saw a number of fine performances.

Andrew Proud 79 -8 = 71
David Farrer 75 -4 = 71
Graham Hamilton 74 -5 = 69
Mike Caddle 67 -4 = 63
Chris Ralph 68 -9 = 59

A couple of awesome score by the Carlisle pair who took 1st and 2nd so well done Chris for taking the top prize on the day. I am sure Florida will be an interesting challenge for Ralph’y who now plays off 6!

We need to get a tour shirt sorted any colour suggestion?

I had a problem with the website yesterday and in sorting it out the course’s to play poll was lost. I have reset it up so get your 9 selected!

Click to see the video

When I saw this video of PGA Tour Pros playing golf and traveling 4 to a golf buggy I concluded that it must be at a course with a very relaxed dress and etiquette code. I must warn the relaxed tour chaps, on our trip, that it is very unlikely that these standards have been adopted in the Sarasota area and not to bother packing their dungarees, zebra print kegs or chopped down wet suits. Let us remember the advice of the ranger to Brian at Legacy “we do not tolerate this here SIR!!!”

Click the picture to see the video.

Today, at 2.10 a.m. Spanish time, Seve Ballesteros passed away peacefully surrounded by his family at his home in Pedreña.

I am lucky to have been able to walk the fairways with this true golfing genius and cheer the charismatic Spaniard, on a number of occasions. He set the golfing world alight with his swashbuckling style and fierce determination. His passion for the Ryder Cup was pivotal  in it becoming one the worlds true great sporting events. The daring and flamboyant style of golf he played brought many to the game and put European golf firmly on the map.

The words of Peter Alliss: “He was a fighter – feisty, skilful, cheeky and loveable. He had hair as black as raven’s wing, a wonderful set of teeth and a lovely smile. When Seve was in a good mood the world was happy. I will always remember that smile.”

To see some of the awesome play of this Legend click here.

The Telegraph also has a great piece on Seve, click here.

You gave me some special memories which enhanced my life. Thank you Seve.

Steve was sitting minding his own business at the Milton road end on the A69 when two cars collided and then hit him. The accident closed the A69 this afternoon and I am pleased to report that although shaken and a little sore he is fine. The same can not be said for his car!